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Форма обучения

form of training

  • Full-time
  • Remote
Язык обучения

language of instruction

  • Russian
  • Kazakh

qualification 4S07140405

  • "Embedded Technician"

Embedded Technician

This specialist is focused on the creation of ROBOTS and systems built on the basis of electronic modules: information-sensory, executive and control, with elements of artificial intelligence. Learns the basics of programming in C# and Java for Arduino microcontrollers in various operating systems. Needed in all spheres of activities associated with electronics (mobile devices; automotive, household, office, and medical technology; show industry; remote control vacuum cleaners, washing machines, alarm systems, motion sensors, temperature and light, solar panels, etc.). One of the latest qualifications in Kazakhstan and most sought after in the near future.
What career opportunities will I get after finishing the program?
public and private enterprises and organizations that develop, implement and use devices and devices, as well as develop software for microcontrollers
in design bureaus and in production, engineers, designers, cyberneticists, roboticists, mechatronics, are engaged in the creation and design of robotic systems for industrial and non-industrial purposes

our graduates work